These Famous Cities can Disappear in the near Future

Venice, Italy

Due to a combination of rising sea levels, subsidence, and human activities, Venice could disappear over time.

Miami, Florida, USA

Miami could face disappearance due to the impacts of climate change, including rising sea levels, storm surges.

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

New Orleans at risk: subsidence, erosion, and rising seas from climate change threaten its existence.

Jakarta, Indonesia

Jakarta at risk: sinking land, excessive groundwater extraction, rising seas, and climate change.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dhaka at risk: sinking land, riverbank erosion, and increased vulnerability to flooding pose threats to its existence.

Kiribati and Tuvalu

Kiribati and Tuvalu, low-lying Pacific islands, are threatened by rising sea levels, storm surges, and climate change, risking their existence.

Shanghai, China

Shanghai faces disappearance risks from sea-level rise, subsidence, and urbanization.